We particularly need light in the darkness and Pluto’s transit through the sign of Capricorn has certainly caused the darkness to be dragged into the light of consciousness. I am sure we are all aware of the exposure of the unsavoury aspects of many institutions and individuals that has taken place since this planet entered Capricorn in 2008.

Capricorn represents structures, authority and institutions, all of which are necessary for the running of a complex society.  Pluto brings transformation through exposing that which was hidden in the dark unconscious leaving us feeling as if the ground has been shaken beneath us; knowing that things will never be the same. Be it collectively or as an individual, Pluto’s transits can be very disturbing. At the end of this era (this transit ends in 2024) humanity’s state of consciousness will be transformed. Having to face the Shadow is never easy.

As individuals we may think ‘so what, I’m just one speck of dust in the vastness of existence’, but I would urge that as individuals we can change things by raising our consciousness and thus changing ourselves.  An interesting thing happens when we change inwardly; sometimes nothing obvious can be seen - but the ripples of that transformation, like the ripples in water spread out and effect the people around us via the unconscious and outward actions.  So if we care for ourselves and those around us then the importance of this work is clear and not just naval gazing self-indulgence.  More often than not the first thing one encounters when working with the unconscious is the personal darkness or the Shadow as Carl Jung called it. To get to terms with this is one of the most important steps a person can take as then we are less likely to project it on to other people.

Definition of Shadow – The thing one least wants to be.  The rejected parts of the self.

Qualities associated with Pluto – The death of the old and birth of the new. The darkness exposed bringing profound upheaval psychologically.  Phoenix rises from the ashes of this upheaval if we keep an open mind and accept the learning; fighting it makes things worse. 

This Taoist symbol illustrates the dance that facilitates growth of consciousness by the experience of the opposites of light and dark in all their manifestations.  The point is, are we aware of the dance?
